A Centre of Learning
This Institute was founded in the year 1971, by the Dharma Guru of the Gowda Saraswat Brahmin community of India, His Holiness Shrimad Sudhindra Tirtha Swamiji, Head of Kashi Math Samsthan, Varanasi, India. This Centre of Learning has since been hailed as saintly gift to the Keralites by the Swamiji on behalf of the G. S. B. community as a token of gratitude for the warm hospitality extended to the community by them for centuries. The activities of the Institute cover a vast area to include research projects, guiding research (PhD) in Sanskrit , conducting seminars and workshops, publication of books and a regular research journal, and offering diploma courses in Sanskrit, Vastuvidya, Konkani, etc.
Aims & Objectives
The main objective of the Institute is to promote study and research in Oriental learning with special emphasis on Indological subjects like Sanskrit, Indian Philosophy, Culture, Literature, History, Arts, Architecture and so on, and thus to contribute towards the preservation and maintenance of India’s rich cultural and spiritual heritage.
- To facilitate and advance the study and research in Sanskrit and other branches of oriental learning.
- To promote scientific methods of research by academic programmes etc for preparing students for higher qualifications in Sanskrit etc
- To establish reference library and resource centre for the benefit of students and scholars in Oriental studies.
- To prepare, compile and publish books and periodicals, and to bring out critical editions of ancient texts in Sanskrit and other Oriental studies.
- To prepare, compile and publish books and periodicals, and to bring out critical editions of ancient texts in Sanskrit and other Oriental studies.
- To take up research schemes, execute projects and initiate such other programmes for the propagation of the objectives of the Institute.
- To institute professorships, fellowships and studentships for pursuing oriental studies.
- To cooperate with other organizations including Universities, Government and other agencies for achieving the objectives mentioned above.
- Transcribing, editing and publishing of rare manuscripts.
- Collecting and preserving manuscripts.
- Publishing more books on indological subjects.
- Expansion of library and computerisation
- To develop the Dept. of Vastuvidya into a National Institute of Vastuvidya.
- To collect recordings of the pravachans made by our Dharmagurus in various parts of India and also to publish them in Book form.
- Publication of rare manuscripts in Tantra and Mantra.
- To conduct intensive certificate course in Indian History and Culture.
- To conduct short term Courses in Vedas, Darshanas and Bhagavat Gita.
- To conduct periodical spoken Sanskrit Courses
- Research project on History of Gowda Saraswat Brahmin Community
- Research project on History of Kashi Math and Guru Parampara
- Research project on Study of G S B Temples
- Setting up of Permanent Photo Gallery – Hall of Fame (Kashi Math and Guru Parampara)
- Setting up of Reference Library (Books and other materials on G S B Community, Kashi Math and Guru Parampara)